⚠ Work in progress – Let’s make our projects happen ⚠
This month, winds of change are blowing at SDM. Works have started for the creation of another metrology room, intended to accommodate our recently purchased hi-tech equipment, which will allow us to increase the number of available calibrations of electric tools and temperatures, as well as enhance our accuracy in the dimensional field.
Below you can find a picture of the geological surveys we have made today in order to obtain a seismic classification of soils. It is the MASW (Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves), using Rayleigh’s active method for the spectral analysis of surface waves, whose function is to rebuild the vertical profile of sheer wave speed (Vs) of the site.
The surface waves are originated from the impact of a 8-kg stick on a Duralumin plate after a starter geophone has started the recording. The receiving equipment consists of 24 vertical geophones with an own frequency of 4.5 Hz, connected by a modular seismic cable (DoReMi) for signal digitization and acquisition through a dedicated PC software.
We would like to thank the Geology Studio Nebbiai for the surveys.